[Hallc_running] RC Update - Thursday Jan 26, 2023

cmorean at jlab.org cmorean at jlab.org
Thu Jan 26 09:07:24 EST 2023

Smooth running while beam was available:
Started out smooth from 9:00 - 10:00, but went away when Hall A was coming
to high current.
Issues persisted until 1:00, so MCC sent 70uA to Hall C to check beam
Hall C returned to 40uA while MCC got Hall A up to 40uA. (Day shift got
2.3 hrs ABU)
Both halls got up to high current during swing (Swing got 3.8hrs ABU)
We went down to 35uA over night and received a good amount of beam (3.1
hrs ABU)
Notable work is now ongoing in the machine to Re-steer the arcs.

Target shenanigans:
A spike in temperature was noted at 15:30 on the unused loop (Loop 1, He3)
A more serious temperature excursion was noted on He4 while running
Target expert on call was notified and Greg Smith made some useful plots
and found no notable correlations
We proceeded with caution and we switched to He3 running during the night.
One idea was this could be related to the fan issue noted two weeks ago
that required a controller reset.  A controller reset is not necessary at
this time.

We will have an RC meeting today at 11:00
We will discuss target shenanigans and data in the can as well as briefly
look at the week ahead.

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