[Hallc_running] [Revised Logentry] Hall C RC Update - Saturday Sept 23

chandan at jlab.org chandan at jlab.org
Sat Sep 23 10:40:03 EDT 2023

Logentry Text:
Yesterday we completed the first Moller polarisation measurement using a "cryogen-free" target magnet -the measured polarisation value is

IHWP IN: P = -80.14 +/- 0.54 %
IHWP OUT: P=80.55 +/- 0.58 %

During the swing and the owl shift we only took ~3 hours' worth of data for the elastic calibration.
The ongoing weather conditions took halls and BSY to beam permit and dropped many box supplies five times since yesterday's swing shift.
Experts are working on the PSS system to avoid damage to the box supplies. Currently, there are no time estimates from the experts.
PD will post the status of the ongoing work periodically.

Yesterday, Ben Raydo updated the VTP firmware and he is confident the FADC -> VTP serial link stability problems are resolved now and we will have a stable DAQ.

We are planning to continue our elastic calibration data-taking and defer BCM calibration for a better time when we run a high current beam for some time.

There are a couple of open shifts for the next week.
Please consider signing up for the open slots (https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/apps/physics/shiftSchedule/index.cfm?experimentRunId=DVCS-NPS-2023).

There will be no RC meetings over the weekend.
The run plan will be discussed with the spokespersons and will be executed accordingly.


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