[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC Daily Report

hanjie at jlab.org hanjie at jlab.org
Fri Apr 12 09:05:01 EDT 2024

Logentry Text:
Yesterday, the injector work and Hall A beam setup were complete around 7 pm. However, around the same time, HMS Dipole and Q3 tripped, and the cryogenic targets had red alarms on temperatures (warm). This is likely related to the cryogenic issue happened in Hall B. It took 2 hours to bring up the magnets and about same time Hall A stopped their target condensing, so our cryogenic targets are powered up to receive beam. Around 10:30 pm, we started the positron runs with good beam. There were few interruptions on sending the beam, but overall it's smooth running. The ABU for the past three shifts are 6.5 hours. 

The positron runs are complete around 7:30 am today. HMS polarity is switched back to electrons. We resume the KinC_x60_1 production running and it will run over the weekend. 

Monday around 9 am, the Hall would be in controlled access to allow us manually move the Spectrometers to the small angles. The Moller Measurement is scheduled on Tuesday. On Wednesday, there is a scheduled beam study. 

The RC meeting is at 11 am

Meeting ID: 161 701 5555

Passcode: 288953

Hanjie Liu


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