[Halld-cpp] CPP Software meeting minutes

David Lawrence davidl at jlab.org
Mon Feb 7 10:28:51 EST 2022

Hi All,

 Minutes from last week’s CPP Software meeting are now posted:


David Lawrence Ph.D.
Staff Scientist - - EPSCI Group Lead
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA
davidl at jlab.org<mailto:davidl at jlab.org>
(757) 269-5567 W
(757) 746-6697 C

  *   Pending Pull Requests
     *   Simon merged the pending PR for the CPP branch
     *   Elton still has an outstanding PR from Nov. 10, 2021 for 2pi Primakoff. David will ping him on whether it should still be merged.

  *   FMWPC library
     *   DFMWPCHit - Simon noted that dE is out of place and q is a more appropriate variable. He will make the change. Alex is also noted as the original creator of the class and will continue as contact person for it.

     *   Raw mode - We discussed the possibility of processing the waveform data following the discussion of the previous day's CPP meeting. Decision was to keep working with the compressed mode format for now.

     *   DFMWPCCluster
        *   Alex created this based on the FDC cathode clustering algorithm.
        *   Code allows for single hit clusters (as would be common, esp. for muons)
        *   Code has been tested with both test stand data and simulated event data
        *   Clusters are currently formed in local coordinate system (e.g. wire position and wire number without respect for rotation of the wire plane in the lab coordinate system). Needs translation into global(lab) coordinate system.
        *   Time cuts are very loose at the moment and will be tightened later when appropriate values are obtained.

        *   DFMWPCMatchedTrack - Currently has its own built-in FMWPC cluster finder that is independent of the DFMWPCCluster objects. David will modify to use the DFMWPCCluster class. This will require adding first_wire and last_wire data members to it.

  *   e+e- classification factory
     *   Andrew began work on creating a JANA factory for this. Some technical questions on integrating with FMWPC library as opposed to plugin were addressed.
     *   Weights for the TMVA model will be needed by the factory. These should be placed in a similar location as the ones for the FCAL hadronic classifier. Likely as a JANA resource.

Action Items[edit<https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php?title=%CE%A0_polarizability_Software_Meeting_Feb_3,_2022&action=edit&section=6>]

  1.  Contact Elton about outstanding PR (David)
  2.  Remove dE and fill in q for DFMWPCHit (Simon)
  3.  Add conversion to lab coordinates in DFMWPCCluster (Alex)
  4.  Add first_wire and last_wire to DFMWPCCluster (David)
  5.  Replace FMWPC clusterizer in DFMWPCMatchedTrack with DFMWPCCluster objects (David)
  6.  Identify were weights for e+e- model should be stored for general access (Andrew)


David Lawrence Ph.D.
Staff Scientist - - EPSCI Group Lead
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA
davidl at jlab.org<mailto:davidl at jlab.org>
(757) 269-5567 W
(757) 746-6697 C

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