[Halld-cpp] Monitoring Launch 2022-05 ver11: CPP/NPP

zihlmann zihlmann at jlab.org
Fri Apr 21 17:50:42 EDT 2023

Sorry to say but all the tagger timing is off in ver11 while it looked 
good in ver10.
the one thing that is much different in this run period compared to all 
others is the trigger (and the vertex).
In addition to the usual trigger (based on  calorimetry) there is the 
TOF based trigger with a rate 3 times higher.

On 4/21/23 14:42, Alexander Austregesilo via Halld-cpp wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We completed a new monitoring launch for the 2022-05 CPP/NPP data set. 
> It includes new monitoring histograms to calibrate the CDC timing when 
> the SC is not installed.
> The usual monitoring plots can be found on the web pages:
> https://halldweb.jlab.org/data_monitoring/Plot_Browser.html
> https://halldweb.jlab.org/cgi-bin/data_monitoring/monitoring/runBrowser.py 
> https://halldweb.jlab.org/cgi-bin/data_monitoring/monitoring/versionBrowser.py 
> The merged histogram files can be found on the work disk at:
> /work/halld/data_monitoring/RunPeriod-2022-05/mon_ver11/rootfiles/
> The REST files, random trigger skims and several trees are saved on 
> cache:
> /cache/halld/offline_monitoring/RunPeriod-2022-05/ver11/REST/
> Cheers,
> Alex
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