[HydraTeam] [EXTERNAL] Jefferson Lab & NASA Smart Center Community of Practice

Fehr, Stephen J. (LARC-D403) stephen.j.fehr at nasa.gov
Wed Aug 7 13:11:32 EDT 2024

Thomas, David,
                We have a NASA Smart Center Community of Practice meeting every other month where Smart Center/Smart Infrastructure reps from the 10 centers tag up.  The next one is coming up next Tuesday (8/13) from 12-1pm ET.  Would you like to join us and present Hydra and your AI/ML anomaly detection experiences? I think it's a fantastic example of an effective grassroots solution to a very difficult problem.  I unfortunately have a conflict, but that's OK as I think the largest benefit would be to the other NASA folks who haven't seen what you're doing yet.  Rodney Martin @ NASA Ames is coordinating. He and Matt Dosberg @ NASA Goddard would be very interested in the AI tech aspects as well- among their other hats, Matt is Deputy Chief AI Officer for Goddard, and Rodney oversees NASA's Quantum AI research.  (Yes, we're NASA: Various disciplines are represented here, but you can go full geek!)

Related, I know you're in a different role @ JLab, but do you know if there's a similar organization working Smart City/Smart Infrastructure for DoE National Labs we might want to speak to in another future meeting?

Steve Fehr, PE, PhD
Center Transformation Portfolio Manager
COD Deputy Chief Engineer & Senior Safety Engineer
NASA Langley Research Center
9 Langley Blvd (Bldg 1195, R2002)
Hampton, VA  23681-2199
(W) 757-864-2072
(M)  757-650-4281
stephen.j.fehr at nasa.gov<mailto:stephen.j.fehr at nasa.gov>

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