[HydraTeam] [EXTERNAL] A quick question concerning React used in Hydra

Yury Malyshkin y.malyshkin at gsi.de
Wed Oct 23 07:48:26 EDT 2024

Hello Thomas,

Thanks a lot for explaining! Yes, I have talked already to Torri, it was 
very useful. My role in JUNO is to coordinate the Data Quality group, 
which does not mean to be responsible for the actual development of the 
monitoring tools, but more to make sure it contains everything we need. 
Apart from physics-wise requirement, I want to push to have some 
interactivity in our event displays, and to give some extra tools for 
shifters' convenience. My impression is that Hydra is a good example to 
learn from. Not sure that people, who are already working on their own 
web-interfaces, will be happy to switch on something else immediately, 
but I will tell them about Hydra anyway. As a minimum, I want to 
encourage them to learn from your experience.

Best regards,

On 10/22/24 17:06, Thomas Britton wrote:
> Hello there!
> Originally, the Hydra front-end was written in pure HTML/CSS, JS, php 
> by myself.  This worked well enough when Hydra was a smaller project 
> but included a fair amount of duplicated code.  This made the 
> maintenance overhead grew along with the front-end and number of 
> internal deployments of Hydra.  It was at that point we wanted to 
> redesign things and update them to more modern frameworks.  
> Ultimately, React was chosen because of some existing expertise in the 
> group.  Additionally, React enables both client side and server side 
> rendering allowing us to transition into more centralized running down 
> the road.
> I have heard you spoke with Torri asking about the feasibility of 
> building a webpage to display plots. She has undoubtedly explained 
> that Hydra can be used to simply display plots and collect comments on 
> them as is.
> Thomas Britton
> Staff Scientist in Scientific Computing
> Jefferson Lab
> x7624
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Hydrateam <hydrateam-bounces at jlab.org> on behalf of Malyshkin, 
> Yury <Y.Malyshkin at gsi.de>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 22, 2024 9:33 AM
> *To:* hydrateam at jlab.org <hydrateam at jlab.org>
> *Subject:* [HydraTeam] [EXTERNAL] A quick question concerning React 
> used in Hydra
> Hi!
> I was talking to Brad after his talk. I am from JUNO and since 
> recently involved in DQM development. I wanted to ask why you have 
> chosen React and how it is compared to other solutions. Brad told me 
> that it would be the best to ask Tori. We may try to talk in person if 
> we manage to meet somehow during a coffee break.
> Best regards,
> Yury
> ______________________________________
>   Dr. Yury Malyshkin
>   JGU Mainz /  GSI
>   Sorry for brevity, sent from phone
> ______________________________________
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