[JLab 22 GeV] 2nd International Workshop on "SCIENCE AT THE LUMINOSITY FRONTIER: JEFFERSON LAB AT 22 GEV"- A message from Patrizia Rossi

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Jul 10 14:09:51 EDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 2nd  International Workshop on


which will take place at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of  INFN , Italy, from 9 to 13 December 2024.  The workshop will focus on the continuing development of the scientific case for a 22 GeV upgrade to CEBAF at Jefferson Lab.

As highlighted in the 2023 US Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science:

“Recently, the Cornell Brookhaven Electron Test Accelerator (CBETA) facility demonstrated eight-pass recirculation of an electron beam with energy recovery employing arcs of fixed-field alternating gradient magnets. This exciting new technology could enable a cost-effective method to double the energy of CEBAF…”

The 22 GeV energy upgrade “…will allow access to a new sector of hadron spectroscopy and offer an unprecedented view of the complex nucleon structure in the valence region, one not accessible at other machines.”

This workshop will showcase the continued staff and user community efforts to develop increasingly realistic projections for experiments that would become possible with an energy upgrade that maintains the world-leading luminosity of CEBAF. This is the second edition in a series with  the previous workshop being in January 2023 at Jefferson Lab.  We anticipate an agenda with invited contributions as well as a call for abstracts for contributed talks.   We are currently assembling a committee of conveners that span the interests of the user community to help with the development of the workshop program.

The workshop website https://www.jlab.org/conference/dec24luminosity22gev is under construction and will be continuously updated.

We plan to open registration and abstract submission on 1st September 2024.  The participation of young researchers interested in the field is very much encouraged!

Best regards,
Patrizia on behalf of the organizers
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