[Jlabsa_gs] Lecturer of Physics/Astronomy at Longwood University- A message from Tim Holmstrom
Lorelei Chopard
lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Apr 18 11:15:19 EDT 2013
Lecturer of Physics/Astronomy
Longwood University, Farmville VA
Department of Chemistry and Physics
Full-time, Non tenure-track Position
Longwood University invites applications for a non-tenure track, one
year lecturer’s position in Physics/Astronomy to begin Fall 2013. A
tenure track search will occur during the 2013-2014 academic year.
Qualified applicants will be eligible to apply for the open tenure track
position with starting date in Fall 2014.
Primary teaching responsibilities include introductory algebra based
physics and astronomy, although the opportunity to teach other courses
exists. At least a Master’s degree in Physics/Astronomy is required.
Longwood University is a public institution with a state-of-the-art
science facility and is dedicated to undergraduate education and
research of the highest quality. Candidates should submit a cover
letter, CV, unofficial graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and a
list of three references to:
Dr. Michelle Parry
Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics
parryml at longwood.edu
Longwood University
201 High Street
Farmville, VA 23909
Please see attachment for further details.
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