[Jlabsa_gs] Hall B Postdoctoral Associate- A message from Volker Burkert

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Dec 17 09:57:21 EST 2013

*Hall B Postdoctoral Associate*
Job ID #: 11526
Location: Newport News, VA
Functional Area: Research 	
Division: Exp Nuclear Physics
Position Type: Term 	
Education Required: Post-Doctorate
Experience Required: Less than 1 year 	
Relocation Provided: Yes

Position Description

POSITION POSTED: December 2, 2013
SALARY RANGE: $49,600 - $74.600 (PD)

Hall B at Jefferson Lab has an opening for a Postdoctoral Associate with
significant expertise in electromagnetic nuclear or particle physics. By
  the end of 2014 Hall B will be ready to resume beam operation with the
newly upgraded CEBAF. Among the first experiments will be the Heavy
Photon Search (HPS) experiment to search for evidence of the existence
of a massive photon-like particle that plays a role in dark matter
annihilation, and could account for dark matter interaction with
ordinary matter. Such a particle could account for the striking excess
of high-energy electrons and rising fraction of positrons in cosmic
rays, and is expected in many theories that go beyond the standard model
  of particle physics. The HPS experiment, approved by JLAB PAC with "A"
rating, will search for such photons in in the invariant mass of lepton
pairs produced in the interaction of high energy, high intensity
electron beams with heavy nuclear targets. It will explore a large,
previously unexplored region of parameter space, suggested by current

The postdoctoral fellow will work along side the
staff scientists on the preparation and execution of the HPS experiment,
  on the data calibration and physics analysis. It is expected that the
successful candidate will play a major role in the development of
on-line and off-line monitoring and data calibration tools, and
participates in the development of offline reconstruction software, with
  emphasis on electromagnetic calorimeter software support.

In addition to the HPS experiment, Hall B offers wide opportunities for
physics analysis of data taken with the CEBAF Large Acceptance
Spectrometer (CLAS) during the past few years at beam energies of up to 6
  GeV and the preparation of new experiments with the upgraded CLAS12
detector. These involve studies of generalized parton distributions
(GPDs), transverse momentum dependent parton distribution (TMDs) and the
  excitation of nucleon resonances, and meson spectroscopy. The candidate
  is expected to lend general support to the joint efforts of the CLAS
collaboration and its new detector systems.

The position will be available immediately, initially for a 2 years term, with the
possibility for an extension of up to 2 more years, contingent upon
mutual agreement and the availability of funds.

Position Requirements   					

A PhD in electromagnetic nuclear or particle physics
or an equivalent combination of education and specific training.
Experience with the operation and the analysis of large spectrometer
experiments is required. Therefore, software experience is important, a
good knowledge of C++ and Java programing is a plus.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, copies of any recent (un)published work,
  and arrange to have letters from three references e-mailed to Linda
Ceraul (ceraul at jlab.org  <mailto:ceraul at jlab.org>). Jefferson Lab is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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