[Jlabsa_gs] Chairs available- A message from the User Liaison

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Jun 27 13:28:18 EDT 2013

To all:
With the move of people from the ARC to the TED building, we now have a 
large number of chairs available. If you would like one of the chairs 
for your space in the Fwing, please send me an email with your room # 
and how many you are requesting. First come, first serve. I have 
attached a picture of the chair style, colors vary. I will notify you 
when they are ready.

Lorelei Chopard
User Liaison Office
Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Suite 16
Newport News, VA 23606
lorelei at jlab.org
(757) 269-6388 (office)
(757) 269-6134 (fax)

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