[Jlabsa_gs] **Program posted**Annual Users Group Meeting (Registration Open)- A message from Sebastian Kuhn

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed May 1 11:15:56 EDT 2013

Dear Jefferson Lab Users,

Our next Annual Users Meeting is drawing nearer - it will take place 4 
weeks from now, May 29-31. We believe we have assembled an interesting 
program and hope you plan to attend. Please go to 
http://www.jlab.org/conferences/ugm to see the *program*, to *register* 
and to find additional information. In particular, we urge graduate 
students to attend and take advantage of the many incentives offered - 
free registration, free lunches with speakers, and the poster competition.
Note that in addition to the customary reception on the evening of the 
first day (Wednesday 5/29), we also plan a little party in the new "user 
space area" in the ARC library after the conclusion of the meeting on 
Beverages (including some containing CH3CH2OH) will be served!

- Sebastian
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