[Jlabsa_gs] Graduation season is here!

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu May 9 10:47:13 EDT 2013

As you all should know, I track the Masters and PhD database for the 
lab. These numbers are very important for DOE reporting and the Office 
of Science. I have attached a list of those projected to graduate this 
year with their PhD. If your name is on this list could you please send 
me a quick update? If you are planning to graduate or have recently, 
please send me an email as well. If anyone has received their Masters 
degree, I am very interested in that too :)

Upcoming Events:
Pizza Seminar (May 15)
Users Group Poster Competition 
<http://www.jlab.org/conferences/ugm/poster.html> (abstract due May 17)
Party in the ARC (May 31)
Summer picnic in July

Thank you for all your help and good luck in your studies. If there is 
anything I can help with do not hesitate to ask.

Lorelei Chopard
User Liaison Office
Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Suite 16
Newport News, VA 23606
lorelei at jlab.org
(757) 269-6388 (office)
(757) 269-6134 (fax)

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