[Jlabsa_gs] **Reminder**2013 User-Space Clean up: A message from the User Liaison Office
Lorelei Chopard
lorelei at jlab.org
Thu May 30 14:03:43 EDT 2013
This is a reminder for those who are currently visiting or might be in the next month.
All unclaimed marked material, as detailed below, will be scheduled for removal in July.
Please take a look to see if there is anything you need to claim or if you have items that
need to be removed. Please send any questions/comments to: lorelei at jlab.org.
Thank you,
As you are aware Jefferson Lab has a very diverse collection of users
who share office, storage and technical space at our facility. Over the
past several years, as organizations have come and gone, we have accrued
a significant amount of unclaimed property. This property (consisting of
old computing equipment, file cabinets, books and documents, among other
things) is distributed throughout the Lab and has grown in size to the
point that it is impacting the availability of user space.
As a result, we're asking for your help to reduce the load again before
the start of 12GeV.
During the next 90 days, we'll be working our way through user offices,
cubicles and storage areas identifying abandoned property. Materials
that appear to be abandoned will be marked with a red tag. Following the
Users Group Meeting this summer, any tagged material that has not been
claimed will be scheduled for disposal.
Users who have materials at the Lab and will not be here to claim them
before the Users Group Meeting, should contact Lorelei Chopard of the
User Liaison Office. She can be reached at 757-269-6388 or by e-mail at:
lorelei at jlab.org. <https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/cuga> If you have office items you would like to temporarily
store please contact Lorelei.
Upon notification, the property will be considered claimed and marked
accordingly.We appreciate your patience in this process, and we hope
that when we're finished we'll all share a more accessible work environment.
From the Users Group Board of Directors chair, Sebastian Kuhn:
Nota Bene: We urge all Jefferson Lab users and students and other
interested parties to sign up to the Users' mailing list "CUGA" if you
haven't done so already. You could miss out on important information
otherwise! Contact Lorelei to have your email address added to the list;
we promise not to inundate you with spam.
As always, more information can be found on the Users Group wiki at:
Best wishes,
Lorelei Chopard
User Liaison Office
Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Suite 16
Newport News, VA 23606
lorelei at jlab.org <https://mailman.jlab.org/mailman/listinfo/cuga>
(757) 269-6388 (office)
(757) 269-6134 (fax)
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