[Jlabsa_gs] **Reminder** Pizza Seminar on Sept. 18- A message from Hari Areti

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Sep 17 10:14:59 EDT 2013

Reminder: It is necessary to RSVP for lunch seminars to ensure there is 
enough pizza for all. RSVP to Lorelei today.

  Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki:

     *  Please RSVP to:lorelei at jlab.org*  by COB on September 16, 2013

                        Wednesday, September 18, 2013


                              12:00-1:00 pm

"Disseminating your Science - and how your publications are used
beyond this"

                     Gwyn P. Williams and Kim Kindrew
                                  Jefferson Lab

Abstract:  In this very important, interactive and somewhat
seminar, we will emphasize the importance of publications and show how
they are used to assess the impact of a scientist.  Even though it's
early now, it's important for you to start thinking and planning now
optimize your respective career paths.  We will talk about
something called the h-index, and show how Google Scholar, Web of
Science and INSPIRE all provide information relating a scientist to
his or her impact.  Then we will explain the Jefferson Lab rules
regarding publications, and will show how they are implemented.

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