Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Sep 18 10:14:11 EDT 2013

The INFN Fellowship Programme 2013/2014 offers 16 (sixteen) positions 
for research activity in Experimental Physics.

Eligible candidates are non-Italian citizens. Applicants should have a 
Ph.D. degree or an equivalent qualification. Candidates who are 
preparing their doctoral thesis are eligible to apply, however they will 
have to obtain their Ph.D. degree before taking up their appointment 
with INFN.

Applicants with a Ph.D. of eight years or over eight are not eligible.

The annual gross salary is EUR 40.000,00. Each fellowship is initially 
granted for one year and may be extended to a second year. Travel 
tickets to and from INFN sites will be reimbursed at the beginning and 
at the end of the fellowship; also lunch tickets will be provided for 
working days.

Online applications are to be sent to INFN no later than November 15th, 
2013 applying at the website 
The applications should include the research topic(s) of interest, the 
preferred INFN site(s) - two at the most, chosen among those listed in 
Annex 1 - and:

  * a statement of research interests;
  * a curriculum vitae;
  * a publication list;
  * three reference letters (specifying name, surname and e-mail of each

Please visit the link below for further details:

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