[Jlabsa_gs] 2014 National Nuclear Physics Summer School- A message from Wouter Deconinck

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Apr 1 14:26:51 EDT 2014

2014 National Nuclear Physics Summer School (Wouter Deconinck)

The 2014 National Nuclear Physics Summer School (NNPSS) will be held
from June 9 through June 20, 2014, at the College of William & Mary in
historic Williamsburg, Virginia. The summer school is open to graduate
students and postdocs within a few years of their PhD (on either side)
with a strong interest in experimental and theoretical nuclear

The lecturers of the summer school have been selected to give
pedagogical reviews of topics in theoretical and experimental nuclear
physics, including nuclear and hadronic structure, effective field
theories, lattice QCD, heavy-ion physics, nuclei far from stability,
nuclear astrophysics, fundamental symmetries, neutrons and neutrinos.
Hands-on tutorials will introduce participants to techniques in
computational theoretical and experimental nuclear physics.

The list of confirmed speakers at the summer school includes
- Brian Tiburzi (CCNY & BNL) on effective field theories
- Witek Nazarewicz (University of Tennessee & ORNL) on nuclear structure
- Andrea Schindler (Forschungszentrum Jülich) on lattice QCD
- Kate Scholberg (Duke University) on neutrinos
- Krishna Kumar (University of Massachusetts) on fundamental symmetries
- Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) on QCD in
extreme conditions
- Tim Chupp (University of Michigan) on neutrons

The school will consist of ten days of lectures, special topics
seminars and discussions, an excursion to the recently upgraded
Jefferson Lab accelerator and experimental halls, and several social
activities. It is an excellent opportunity for junior researchers to
get a broad perspective on current and future research in nuclear
physics, and to network with other researchers.

Program details and application instructions are available through the
INT website:

The school can accommodate 50 applicants. Applications and reference
letters can be submitted until April 25, 2014. For accepted
applicants, the school will cover most of the local expenses.
Participants are responsible for travel costs and extracurricular

Inquiries should be sent to NNPSS2014 at physics.wm.edu.

The organizing committee consists of Wouter Deconinck and Kostas
Orginos (co-chairs), David Armstrong, Todd Averett, Roger Carlini,
Carl Carlson, Keith Griffioen, Kostas Orginos, Robert McKeown, Michael
Pennington, Charles Perdrisat, David Richards, and André Walker-Loud.
The 2014 NNPSS is supported by the Institute for Nuclear Theory, the
National Science Foundation, Jefferson Lab, and the College of William
& Mary.

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