[Jlabsa_gs] Call for posters - Physics in Collision 2014
Lorelei Chopard
lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Aug 13 10:04:02 EDT 2014
Hi -
I'd like to bring this year's Physics in Collision Symposium to your attention, which will be held 16-20 September in Bloomington, Indiana. This is a nice opportunity for students and young postdocs to present their work in the poster session. Participants will also see an overview of many interesting topics in adjacent disciplines, as the entire program is made up of review talks. You can find the conference description and details athttp://pic2014.indiana.edu, including instructions for submitting a poster abstract. The deadline for abstract submissions is August 29th.
If you have any questions, contact the conference organizers (contact info can be found on the conference webpage).
************* PHYSICS IN COLLISION 2014: 1ST BULLETIN****************
The 34th International Physics in Collision Symposium will take place September 16-20 on the Indiana University campus in Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
This annual meeting brings together physicists with specializations in particle, nuclear and astrophysics for a series of plenary review talks and poster sessions. The focus is to update key topics in those specializations in which new results have been published within the last year or are reasonably expected to be so before the symposium. The aim of the presentations is to encourage informal discussions of new experimental results and their implications. The topics at the symposium cover a wide range of physics subjects from experimental and theoretical accelerator-based particle physics to astroparticle physics.
Specifically, the meeting topics include:
o Electroweak phenomena
o Neutrino physics
o Heavy flavor physics
o Heavy ion physics
o Higgs physics
o Searches for BSM physics
o Astroparticle physics
Information about the symposium, including registration details, can be found athttp://pic2014.indiana.edu.
*** Call for Posters ***
Physicists planning to attend the conference and interested in contributing posters are requested to submit a brief abstract through the portal linked athttp://pic2014.indiana.edu/Poster_Sessions.html. The deadline for abstract submissions is August 29, 2014. Students are particularly encouraged to submit a poster abstract. Some financial support may be available for student submissions.
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