[Jlabsa_gs] postdoc advertisement

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Tue Dec 23 08:07:23 EST 2014

The experimental hadronic physics group at the College of William and 
Mary in Williamsburg, VA has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral 
research associate. Our research is primarily focused on nucleon structure 
studies using polarized proton, deuteron and 3He targets in Halls A, B 
and C at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, VA. Planned experiments include 
measurements of inclusive and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic spin structure 
functions and asymmetries, and nucleon form factors. Candidates will be 
involved with both hardware, analysis and simulation of experiments and will 
be required to spend a significant fraction of their time at Jefferson Lab. 
Candidates must have a PhD in experimental nuclear or high energy physics. 
To apply, please use the following link. https://jobs.wm.edu/postings/19641 

Todd Averett Professor of Physics 

College of William and Mary 
Small Hall, 343B 
Williamsburg, VA 

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