[Jlabsa_gs] Application deadline approaching for PSI Master's program- A message from Mont

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Jan 9 11:25:59 EST 2014

    Dear Colleague,

    There are only three weeks left for top students to apply to
    Perimeter Scholars International (PSI)
    <http://link.perimeterinstitute.ca/c/306/f92e882911250a59e00488d3bee106ff2477e69c1cffbe1fd222a1b1271dd9b3> the
    innovative Master's program in Theoretical Physics held at Perimeter
    Institute, in Waterloo, Canada. */Deadline date for applications is
    February 1st, 2014/*/./

    /Please forward this reminder to all prospective students and other
    contacts who may be interested. Further information on this program,
    such as support details for successful applicants, can be reviewed
    <http://link.perimeterinstitute.ca/c/306/f92e882911250a59e00488d3bee106ff2477e69c1cffbe1fd239a94507bb0f65>. A
    synopsis of PSI also appears below./

    /With best regards,/

    /John Berlinsky/

    /PSI Director/

    /Perimeter Institute//
    /31 Caroline St. N./
    /Waterloo, ON, Canada/
    /(519) 569-7600/
    /PSI Privacy Policy

    /*psi at perimeterinstitute.ca*
    <mailto:psi at perimeterinstitute.ca?subject=Re:+PSI+Deadline+Approaching>//


    /Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI), in
    partnership with the University of Waterloo, invites applications
    for /*Perimeter Scholars International
    a concentrated Masters level program for exceptional students who
    wish to become researchers in theoretical physics.  For detailed
    information regarding all procedures, full scholarship
    opportunities, supervision, accreditation, and program leadership,
    please visit *www.perimeterscholars.org*


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