[Jlabsa_gs] Physics Careers at HUGS mini-workshop

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Mon Jun 9 14:17:44 EDT 2014

To any student who is within a year or so of graduating:


Dear HUGS students,

waiting for the web registration page to be set up, I am sending you in
attachment the preliminary program of the "Physics Careers at HUGS 2014"
mini-workshop. The idea is to present you with a perspective on academic
and non-academic careers open to you as you graduate, with also practical
advice on resume and CV writing. The workshop itself is integral part of
the HUGS school, and as such we expect you will participate, and will also
be open to other students and postdocs from the JLab community.

However, participation in the hands-on resume writing session is restricted
for practical reasons to students who are*_  within one year or so from
graduation_*. If you are interested, can you please "reply all" to this
e-mail with the following information:

Expected Graduation Date:

(Please do so today, so I can guarantee you a spot and count how many
remain free for non-HUGS students.)

Best regards,


Dr. Alberto Accardi
Hampton U. and Jefferson Lab, USA
+1-757-727-5464 (HU)
+1-757-269-6363 (JLab)

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