[Jlabsa_gs] Lattice QCD postdoc position at the George Washington University

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Nov 19 10:49:45 EST 2014

The lattice QCD group at the George Washington University anticipates an 
opening for a Post Doctoral Scientist position starting in Fall 2015, 
but a starting date as early as January 2015 is possible. The 
appointment is for a one-year term and may be extended to a second year, 
based on mutual agreement. A renewal for a third year is possible, 
contingent upon the availability of funding.

The applicant must hold a Ph.D. in High Energy or Nuclear Physics and 
have research interests and experience that strongly overlaps with the 
current activities of our group, namely lattice calculations for nuclear 
spectrum and structure, finite density, and vacuum structure.

Interested applicants should apply at 
http://www.gwu.jobs/postings/24491. The application should include a CV, 
list of publications and a brief statement of research interests. Your 
recommendation letters should be sent by e-mail to Andrei Alexandru 
<aalexan at gwu.edu <http://gwu.edu/>>. The applicants are also 
encouraged to send an email to Andrei Alexandru <aalexan at gwu.edu 
<http://gwu.edu/>> (with cc to Frank Lee <fxlee at gwu.edu 
<http://gwu.edu/>>) indicating their intention to apply. We will start 
reviewing applications on December 1, 2014 and continue until the 
position is filled.

A detailed description follows: this is a full time position for a Post 
Doctoral Scientist to be located on the Foggy Bottom Campus of The 
George Washington University. This is a 40 hours/week position for up to 
three years. The position will focus on research in theoretical nuclear 
physics. The job requirements include planning research projects, 
developing and running simulations in quantum chromodynamics, analyzing 
data and preparing papers and presentations. The salary will be 
commensurate with experience and qualifications. Full university 
benefits are included.

The George Washington University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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