[Jlabsa_gs] Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies School, EDIT 2015- A message from Paola Gianotti

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Fri Apr 3 11:58:32 EDT 2015

*EDIT 2015 Announcement*


The *E*xcellence in *D*etectors and *I*nstrumentation *T*echnologies 
School, *EDIT 2015*, will be hosted by the Frascati National Laboratory 
of INFN, Italy, from 20 to 29 October, 2015.

EDIT 2015 is the 4^th in a series of international school on detector 
and instrumentation technologies started at CERN in 2011, and followed 
by Fermilab and KEK editions.

The aim of the school is to give to young researchers, in their graduate 
studies or in their first year as post docs, the possibility to acquire 
a deeper knowledge on the major aspects of detectors and instrumentation 

This goal is achieved by providing a diversified program that integrates 
topical academic courses with hands-on laboratories.

The school will offer:

·a series of morning plenary lectures;

·8 days of hands-on lectures and laboratory courses;

·in-depth tours of working facilities.

Students will be gathered into 8 groups of 6 students each, 48 students 
in total.

Each group will follow the morning program, covering all topics offered, 
and will participate in two laboratory courses chosen among the followings:

1.Accelerator Physics

2.DAQ and Trigger Systems

3.Detectors for calorimetry

4.Gaseous tracking detectors

5.Electronics for Particle Detectors

6.Synchrotron Radiation applications

7.Solid-state detectors

8.Laser Ranging space characterization

Experts in the fields will support the participants in their learning 
process by providing continuous guidance as Tutors, experts who prepared 
the experimental set-ups, and Professors of Excellence, lecturers or 
experts who will support the students with additional explanations and 
critical discussions.

On Saturday 24 October, it is foreseen to visit the LNGS - Gran Sasso 
National Laboratory, the largest underground laboratory for experiments 
in particle physics, particle astrophysics and nuclear astrophysics.

Students willing to participate, can apply at the following address:


To be considered, applicants should:

1.fill up the complete application form;

2.upload a synthetic CV (pdf format);

3.provide two letters of reference from the candidate's professor, PhD 
advisor or a Senior Physicist colleague.

The signed and dated letters of reference - with letterhead of referee's 
institution - must be sent to the Secretariat, preferably as an e-mail 
attachment or by fax.

*Applications without two reference letters will not be considered.*

*The application dead line is 30 June 2015.*

The selection of the candidates will be made by the International 
Advisory Committee and all applicants will be informed whether or not 
they have been selected within the end of August.

There is no registration fee for accepted applicants, but you or your 
institute will be liable for any other expenses (travel, lodging and 
meals). A limited amount of money will be available to support students 
from emerging countries. Please, indicate in the application form 
whether you would be eligible for some support.

Official address of the School is:

EDIT 2015 School Secretariat

Via E. Fermi 40

00044 Frascati


e-mail: edit2015_seg at lists.lnf.infn.it

fax: +39 06 9403 2475

School web site: http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/edit2015/
School Poster: 

EDIT 2015 School Director
Paola Gianotti

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