[Jlabsa_gs] Postdoc position at Argonne

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Apr 15 09:57:03 EDT 2015

Experimental Medium Energy Physics

Argonne, PHY - Postdoc

Field of Interest: nucl-ex

Deadline: 2015-04-15

Region: North America

Job description:

Job description:

The Medium Energy Physics Group in the Physics Division at Argonne 
National Laboratory is seeking exceptional candidates for a postdoctoral 
position beginning in the summer of 2015.

We have an active and broad-ranging program in hadron and nuclear 
physics. Our current focus is on hadron structure studies through 
electron scattering measurements at Jefferson Lab and proton-induced 
Drell-Yan scattering at Fermilab (SeaQuest/E906). We are also involved 
in planned muon-scattering measurements at PSI aimed at solving the 
proton radius puzzle and tests of fundamental symmetry in parity 
violating electron in scattering at Jefferson Lab and searches for an 
atomic EDM in 225Ra EDM using measurements on cold trapped atoms. 
Detailed information on our group and its research activities can be 
found at our home page .

Applicants should apply at the following url: 
http://www.anl.gov/careers/apply-job/postdoctoral-applicants , email a 
curriculum vitae and brief statement of research interests to:

* John Arrington Physics Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, 
IL 60439-4843 USA email: johna at anl.gov phone: (630)252-3619

and arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to this 
address. Initial application review will begin April 15, 2015, and 
continue until the position is filled.

As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, 
Argonne National Laboratory is committed to a diverse and inclusive 
workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and 
innovation. In support of this commitment, Argonne encourages 
minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply 
for employment. Argonne considers all qualified applicants for 
employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, 
disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, marital 
status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, 
veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

For further information, and to apply, please see the url below.

More Information: 

Contact: John Arrington

Email: johna at anl.gov

More Information: 

Letters of Reference should be sent to: johna at anl.gov

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