[Jlabsa_gs] Use of sports equipment at JLab- A message from the JAG Group

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Jun 9 16:30:04 EDT 2015

For those onsite for the summer,

When playing on the field behind the residence facility, it is expected 
that everyone takes proper care of the provided equipment. This includes 
soccer balls, flags and goals. The latter should be folded, secured and 
returned to their original location after you have finished. Most of 
what is out there has been donated by others who use the facility; they 
do not belong to the lab. We have never had to lock up the equipment in 
the past, and don't want to have to start now.  Please contact Dan 
Moore, moored at jlab.org, for additional information or questions 
regarding use of the equipment.

Thank you,
JLab Activities Group

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