[Jlabsa_gs] K-12 Environmental and STEM Outreach Coordinator - Hiring NOW- EPA Raleigh Durham

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Apr 27 09:47:07 EDT 2016

EPA K-12 Environmental and STEM Outreach Coordinator
The EPA Environmental Research and Business Support Program is searching for an EPA K-12 Environmental and STEM Outreach Coordinator at the EPA facility in Research Triangle Park, NC. The Outreach Coordinator will support the Director of EPA-RTP's K-12 Environmental and STEM Outreach Program and the EPA-RTP Speakers Bureau. The job is expected to begin June 2016.

*         Full time, $27.31/hour

*         Must have earned a Master's degree in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field

*         Must have experience in community/educational outreach, teaching through hands-on activities, spreadsheets and databases, and oral/written presentations

*         Will perform tasks such as training employees to serve as guest speakers, demonstrating hands-on science, representing EPA at outreach events, and event planning

For the full position description and to apply, visit our website:https://www.zintellect.com/Posting/Details/2149
Questions? EmailEPAjobs at orau.org<mailto:EPAjobs at orau.org>. To hear more about position openings like this, follow us on Twitter at @GovCareerPaths.

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