[Jlabsa_gs] **Reminder**Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, December 07, 2016 - A Message From Hari Areti

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Mon Dec 5 09:07:52 EST 2016

Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki: 

Please RSVP to: patient at jlab.org by COB on December 05, 2016 

               Wednesday, December 07, 2016 


                       12:00-1:00 pm 

"High Magnetic Fields and Physics: Issues in the Design and Construction of 
                  Superconducting Magnets"    

                        Cesar Luongo

                        Jefferson Lab


Abstract:  Many fields of Physics research (notably Condensed Matter Physics 
and Particle Accelerators/Detectors) rely heavily in the availability of high 
magnetic fields, usually generated by superconducting magnets. There has been 
a dual thrust at play for well over a century, in which the need for discovery 
of new Physics pushes the technology of superconducting magnets to achieve more 
(higher, bigger, better), while the technology improvements themselves have 
opened doors to the discovery and study of new phenomena. This talk will walk 
through that interaction between Physics and Magnet Technology by presenting 
some of the Nobel Prizes awarded in the past 100 years in which high magnetic 
fields were central to the discovery process. Different types of magnets will 
be described (resistive, hybrid, superconducting, and pulsed), and the main 
design drivers discussed for each one of them. In the second part of the talk, 
the focus will be on superconducting magnets, what are the main trade-offs when 
designing such magnets, what are the performance and cost drivers, and why they 
tend to be complex and expensive. A few applications of superconducting magnets 
will be presented (MRI, fusion, etc.).
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