[Jlabsa_gs] New Glenn F. Knoll grants

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Dec 15 14:05:03 EST 2016

Dear All,

As many of you may have heard, we now have two new educational grants that
are available to graduate students and postdocs of our entire NSS/MIC
community. These are the Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Education Grant and Glenn
F. Knoll Post Doctoral Education Grant. These two new grants were made
possible by the generous donations of Mrs. Gladys Knoll, widow of our well
known and beloved educator and long standing member of NPSS, Prof. Glen
Knoll, and Dr. Valentin Jordanov, one of Prof. Knoll’s highly successful
students, along with additional funds from NPSS. These grants are for
outstanding graduate students and postdocs in the field of nuclear science
instrumentation, medical instrumentation, or instrumentation for security
applications, and are intended to support travel and attendance to
conferences, workshops or summer schools, or special research projects.
These prestigious grants come with a monetary value of $5000 each and are
available to all graduate students or postdocs who are less than 10 years
past receiving their Ph.D. who are members in good standing of both IEEE
and NPSS. Details on how to apply for these grants are given on the NPSS
Awards website (http://ieee-npss.org/awards/npss-awards/ ) and the deadline
for submitting nominations is January 31, 2017. I would therefore encourage
all eligible members of our NSS/MIC community to apply for these grants and
take advantage of this excellent opportunity to pursue your studies and
research and attend some of the best conferences in our field.

Best regards and Happy Holidays,

Craig Woody

NPSS Awards Chair

(woody at bnl.gov)

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