[Jlabsa_gs] GSPDA Meeting

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Jan 19 10:58:41 EST 2016

To all Grad Students and Postdocs,
You are invited in attend the Grad Student PostDoc Association (GSPDA) 
meeting this Thursday afternoon. We are looking for fresh ideas and 
membership. Please plan to attend!

Contact me with any questions: lorelei at jlab.org

Date: January 21, 2016
Time: 2:30-3:00pm
Location: CC F226

Lorelei Chopard
User Liaison Administrator
Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Suite 5
Newport News, VA 23606
lorelei at jlab.org
(757) 269-6388 (office)
(757) 269-6134 (fax)

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