[Jlabsa_gs] 2016 CTEQ-MCnet Summer School on QCD at DESY, Hamburg, Germany on July 6-16, 2016

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Jan 26 08:25:35 EST 2016

Dear Colleagues,

This is the first announcement of the 2016 CTEQ -- MCnet School on QCD & Electroweak Phenomenology and Monte Carlo Event Generators to be held in Hamburg, Germany,  at DESY from 6-­16 July 2016.

The primary goal of this year's school will be to provide focused introductions to perturbative quantum chromodynamics and Monte Carlo event generator physics, along with applications and recent experimental results. The school will also include "hands-on" Monte Carlo tutorial sessions.

The school is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and young postdocs.

Topics include:
- Introduction to QCD and electroweak theory
- Introduction to Monte Carlo generators
- Parton Densities: introduction and tutorial
- Monte Carlo tutorials
- Matching and merging higher orders
- W, Z, & Higgs Production at the LHC
- Heavy quarks
- Jet physics
- BSM searches at the LHC
- Dark matter and Astroparticle physics
- Future colliders

For further information, including application procedures,
please refer to the Summer School website:      <http://www.qcd2016.org> http://www.qcd2016.org
or contact         qcd2016 at gmail.com<mailto:qcd2016 at gmail.com>
Application deadline is February 29, 2016.


The DESY-MCnet-CTEQ Summer School Organizers

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