[Jlabsa_gs] Gordon Conference - last call for applications!- a message from Alberto Accardi

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Jul 5 12:13:56 EDT 2016

Final chance  to secure your spot at the
*2016 Gordon Conference on*
*Photonuclear Reactions:*
*New Trends in Probing Quark-Gluon Dynamics*
August 7-12, 2016  at the Holderness School, Holderness, NH

  Program and application: http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11906

*Apply by this Sunday, July 10th !!*

We still have some *funding available* to discount your registration fees:
please apply, then send an e-mail to the organizers.

*The Conference*

Photonuclear Reactions is a forum for the presentation and discussion of
the most recent and exciting results in a wide range of subatomic physics
topics, spanning the MeV and the TeV energy ranges.

Since 1959, the Photonuclear Gordon Research Conference has been a
preeminent meeting for the discussion of new ideas and results, even at the
preliminary stage, providing ample and unique opportunities for young
scientists and leading researchers to interact in the most scientifically
stimulating environment. Senior researchers and younger colleagues are
housed on campus at the Holderness School, and can meet in an informal, yet
rigorous atmosphere. Participation from students and junior researchers is
particularly encouraged.

The conference is structured around invited morning and evening talks, and
a late afternoon *poster competition and prize*. The afternoons are left on
purpose free to promote discussions, exchange of new ideas, and connections
among colleagues, while enjoying the many outdoor activities offered by the

The program is posted at http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11906 and
includes sessions on
 - Parton structure of nucleons and nuclei;
 - Nucleon spin structure;
 - Standard model and new physics with photon-induced and electroweak
 - Long range hadron structure;
 - Hadron spectrum and QCD;
 - Few and many nucleon systems;
 - Neutrino Physics;
 - New results in QCD theory;
 - Future facilities and directions.

*Financial **Support*

Limited but substantial support is available: *just send an e-mail to the
organizers. *(Additional funding opportunities are listed on our web page.)


 http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11906 to see the program and apply
 for an invitation to attend this conference. *The deadline for
applications is July 10th.*

Best regards,

Alberto Accardi (Chair)  --  accardi at jlab.org
Julie Roche  --  jroche at jlab.org
Barbara Pasquini -- barbara.pasquini at pv.infn.it


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