[Jlabsa_gs] 2016 Gordon Conference on Photonuclear Reactions - A message from Alberto Accardi

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Mar 17 14:50:35 EDT 2016

Join us at the 2016 Gordon Conference on

*Photonuclear Reactions:*
*New Trends in Probing Quark-Gluon Dynamics*
*August 8-12, 2016 *at the Holderness School, Holderness, NH

*Program and application: http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11906 *

​Photonuclear Reactions is a forum for the presentation and discussion 
of the most recent and exciting results in a wide range of subatomic 
physics topics. Since 1959, the Photonuclear Gordon Research Conference 
has been a preeminent meeting for the discussion of new ideas and 
results, even at the preliminary stage, providing ample and unique 
opportunities for young scientists and leading researchers to interact 
in the most scientifically stimulating environment. Senior researchers 
and younger colleagues are housed on campus at the Holderness School, 
and can meet in an informal, yet rigorous atmosphere. Participation from 
students and junior researchers is particularly encouraged.

Topics for the 2016 conference are: Hadron spectrum and QCD; Long range 
hadron structure; Nucleon spin structure; Parton structure of nucleons 
and nuclei; Few and many nucleon systems; Standard model and new physics 
with photon-induced and electroweak processes; Neutrino Physics; New 
results in QCD theory; Future facilities and directions.

The conference is structured around invited morning and evening talks, 
and a late afternoon poster session. The afternoons are left on purpose 
free to promote discussions, exchange of new ideas, and connections 
among colleagues, while enjoying the many outdoor activities offered by 
the area.

*Frontiers & Careers​*

A workshop on "Frontiers & Careers" for graduate students and junior 
postdocs is being independently organized just before and not far away 
from this Gordon conference at the University of New Hampshire, 
on Thursday Aug. 4 - Saturday Aug. 6.​ A website for this workshop is 
under preparation.

This is a great opportunity for young scientists to discuss career 
options and pathways both in Academia & Research and outside. It is also 
a great opportunity to meet and connect with fellow young scientists 
beforehand, and then enjoy the Gordon conference together.

We strongly encourage our junior attendees to also consider 
participating in the Frontiers & Careers workshop.
*Poster competition
A two-day poster competition will be organized at the beginning of the 
conference, and the best theory poster and experimental poster 
presenters will be rewarded with the chance to present their research in 
a short talk during the conference. The winning posters
​and as many selected posters as space allows ​
will remain on display throughout the conference to promote extended and 
in-depth discussions.
*Conference Fees*

Single Room ($890) and Shared Room ($835) fees cover the cost of 
registration, meals and rooming for GRC Conference participants. 
Off-Site fees ($700) cover the cost of registration and meals only. It 
is possible to also be accompanied by one or more guests for an 
additional fee. If you register at the Off-Site rate, it is anticipated 
that you will eat meals on-site with the other conferees.

*Family support*

The Holderness School campus is quite family friendly, with a possibility
​ ​
of limited accommodation in a separate dormitory. Please contact us if 
you wish to be accompanied by your children and family, and we will do 
our best to accommodate your needs. As you make your plans, please be 
aware that only registered meeting participants can attend the technical 
and poster sessions, and conferees should not plan for their children or 
guests to accompany them to these portions of the meeting. All 
registered guests are welcomed at meals and other social events.
​*Financial **Support *

Limited but substantial support is available to help defray the 
registration or travel costs, with priority given to students and 
postdocs.  Please inquire with the conference Chairs about this opportunity.

Other funding opportunities include:

  * GRC Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowships
    (follow the instructions provided in the link)
  * Nature Travel Grants for participants from developing countries
    (contact the Chair persons to be nominated)
  * *GRC Predominantly Undergraduate Institution (PUI) Fund
    (contact the Chair persons to be nominated)*
  * *JSA Junior Scientist Travel Support
    <http://www.jsallc.org/IF/IndexJSTF.html>* for graduate students and
    post docs working at the Jefferson Lab (apply directly)
  * *APS Forum on Graduate Student Affairs Travel Awards
    (apply directly)

More funding opportunities may be announced in future circulars.


​ Please
http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=11906 to see the program and apply
​ for an invitation to attend this conference. *The deadline for 
applications is July 10th.*

We look forward to seeing you in Holderness!

     Best regards,

Alberto Accardi (Chair), Julie Roche & Barbara Pasquini​ (Vice Chairs)​

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