[Jlabsa_gs] Upcoming activities for you students

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Mon May 2 14:04:03 EDT 2016

Calling all students!

I just wanted to send a reminder of upcoming events so you don't miss 
out. Here they are in no particular order.

  * The 2016 Summer Lecture Series will begin on June 7th at 11am. Talks
    will be on Tuesdays and Thursday through the end of July (except
    during the Users Group Mtg). Since room assignments sometimes
    change, please check the schedule here:
  * Tenth Annual Poster Competition for Graduate Students
    <https://www.jlab.org/conferences/ugm/poster.html>: abstract are due
    to me by June 10th. I highly encourage you to participate!
  * Don't forget to register for the Annual Users Group Meeting. JSA
    covers your reg fee and provides lunch each day of the meeting.
    Also, the GSPDA has been working hard lining up speakers for
    seminars and panel discussions each day. You can register here:

That's it for now. If you know of any summer opportunities or events you 
would like to share please forward me the details.


Lorelei Chopard
User Liaison Administrator
Jefferson Lab
12000 Jefferson Avenue
Suite 5
Newport News, VA 23606
lorelei at jlab.org
(757) 269-6388 (office)
(757) 269-6134 (fax)

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