[Jlabsa_gs] Fwd: Section on developing Grant proposals

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu May 19 14:03:39 EDT 2016

May 20, I am hosting Karen Eck from the ODU sponsored research office, 
who will talk about developing grant proposals in conjunction with 
universities from 10-12pm in F224-F225 (Auditorium if needed)

    Please consider encouraging someone from your area to attend.  While
    much of our work is funded directly by ONP, we work closely with
    universities who might have funding opportunities from other
    sources.   Our partnering with some universities on certain topical
    areas like computing and detector R&D are likely to be necessary in
    the preparation for EIC—so this is a great opportunity to get some
    insight into the sponsored research process.

    Thanks, Amber

    Amber Boehnlein
    Chief Information Officer
    IT Division Head
    Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

    amber at jlab.org <mailto:amber at jlab.org>
    Work: 757 269-7622
    Cell:   630 217-4763
    ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6987-5994

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