[Jlabsa_gs] **Reminder** Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - A Message From Hari Areti

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Tue Oct 18 10:34:04 EDT 2016

Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki: 

Please RSVP to: patient at jlab.org by COB on October 18, 2016 

               Wednesday, October 19, 2016 


                       12:00-1:00 pm 

"High Average Brilliance Compact Inverse Compton Light Source"

                     Kirsten E. Deitrick	

                   Old Dominion University 

Abstract:  There exists an increasing demand for compact Inverse 
Compton Light Sources (ICLS) which are capable of providing 
substantial fluxes of narrow-band X-rays. Currently, multiple 
design proposals have been made. Compared to a typical bremsstrahlung 
source, most of these designs have comparable fluxes and improve on 
the brilliance within a 0.1% bandwidth by only few orders of magnitude. 
By applying cw superconducting rf beam acceleration and focusing to 
generate a beam spot size at collision at the several micron level, 
the source presented here provides a 12 keV X-ray beam with a flux of 
1014 ph/s and an average brilliance of 1015 ph/(s-mm2-mrad2-0.1%BW). 
Compared to a bremsstrahlung source, this improves the flux by at least 
an order of magnitude and the average brilliance by six orders of 
magnitude. Surpassing other compact ICLS designs, the source presented 
here is attractive to a wide variety of potential users.

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