[Jlabsa_gs] **Reminder** Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - A Message From Hari Areti

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Mon Feb 13 10:17:24 EST 2017

Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki:

               Please RSVP to:  patient at jlab.org by COB on February 13, 2017

                                 Wednesday, February 15, 2017


                                        12:00-1:00 pm

 "Explore hadron structure by lattice QCD calculations - complementary to JLab12 program"

                                         Jianwei Qiu

                                        Jefferson Lab


Parton distribution and correlation functions describe the relation between a hadron and the 
quarks and gluons (or partons) within it, and carry rich information on hadron's partonic 
structure and the QCD dynamics holding them together.  Extracting parton distributions and 
correlation functions to explore the hadron structure is one of the important goals of the 
JLab12 physics program.  In this talk, I will review a new and exciting effort to use the ab 
initio lattice QCD calculations to extract parton correlation functions, which is not only 
complementary to, but also help further enrich the experimental effort at JLab12.

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