[Jlabsa_gs] First circular: HUGS career

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue May 30 14:29:33 EDT 2017

  "Physics Careers @ HUGS 2017"

to be held at Jefferson Lab on June 12,2017 from 12:30-6:00 p.m.

This mini-workshop is part of the HUGS 2017 Summer School in nuclear physics, but open to all interested graduate students and post-docs from the Jefferson Lab community.

The workshop is free (but space is limited and registration is required) and intended to offer a perspective on academic and non-academic careers and includes a hands-on session with practical advice on resume and CV writing, and mock job interviews by experts.


Julie Williams-Byrd (NASA)
Bruce Ullman (Jefferson Lab)
Kostas Orginos (W&M and JLAB)
Steven Lambert (APS)
John Rumble (R&R Data Services)
Wouter Deconinck (W&M and JLab)


May 28: Registration opens
June 07: Registration closes
June 10: Submission of mock job applications


For more information and to register, please visithttps://www.jlab.org/hugs/workshop.html

Note that to attend one of the mock interview sessions you will also need to separately submit your CV, resume and a cover letter with the statement of interest for one of the five mock job advertisements you can find on the web page.

We can only accept a maximum of 70 participants for the first part of the workshop, including the CV writing session, and up to 36 participants for the mock interviews. This will be on a first come first serve basis, so register soon!

More details will follow. Stay tuned and feel free to contact us with any questions!

Alberto Accardi (accardi at jlab.org)
Bipasha Chakraborty (bipasha at jlab.org)
Evan McClellan (randallm at jlab.org)

Thanks and regards,

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