[Jlabsa_gs] **Today** Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, October 18, 2017 - A Message From Hari Areti

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Wed Oct 18 10:18:21 EDT 2017

Thank you to all of those who RSVP'd.  See you at noon today in F113.

Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki:

               Please RSVP to:  patient at jlab.org by COB on October 16, 2017

                                 Wednesday, October 18, 2017


                                        12:00-1:00 pm

                         "ALERT: new experiment to solve the EMC effect"

                                      Gabriel Charles 

                                  Old Dominion University


After more than 30 years, the EMC effect is still not explained. No
single model has been able to reproduce all the observations, so far.
If you are curious about the unexpected ratio of the nucleon structure
function F2 measured on ion and deuterium, the so-called EMC effect, or
want to know more about the ALERT experiment that will try to solve the
EMC puzzle at JLab, this seminar is for you!
The presentation will be accessible for anyone with a background in
nuclear physics.

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