[Jlabsa_gs] *Deadline approaching* 2018 CTEQ Summer School

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Mon Feb 26 10:18:26 EST 2018

2018  CTEQ Summer School: Mayaguez, Puerto Rico USA, 18-28 June 2018

Dear Colleagues,

This is the final announcement of the 2018 CTEQ Summer School on
QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology,
to be held at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM),
in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico USA  on 18-28 June 2018.

The primary goal of this year's CTEQ school will be to provide a
focused introduction to perturbative quantum chromodynamics along with
applications and recent experimental results. The school is ideally
suited for advanced graduate students and young postdocs.

For further information, including application procedures, please
refer to the Summer School website:


which is linked from the CTEQ webpage at:www.cteq.org  or contact
cteq.school at gmail.com
Review of applications will begin 1 March 2018.


The CTEQ Summer School Organizers

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