[Jlabsa_gs] Call for Proposals for FY2019 JSA Initiatives Fund Program- a message from Elizabeth Lawson

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Mon Jun 4 08:30:01 EDT 2018

      JSA Initiatives Fund Program - FY2019 Call for Proposals

Proposals Due July 16, 2018


JSA is soliciting proposals for Initiatives Fund support for the FY2019 
program. An Initiatives Fund Evaluation Committee will review eligible 
proposals that meet the criteria. The Committee will include Programs 
Committee members, Lab representation, Users Group representation, and 
external consultants as needed to ensure a fair and objective process. 
In addition to evaluating new proposals, the Committee will reassess the 
value of the programs requesting renewed support to ensure their 
on-going relevance and continuation. The Committee will make its 
recommendations for award to the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied 
Technologies, which provide the funds for the Initiatives Fund Program. 
The owners have final approval of all awards from the Initiatives Fund. 
Proposers will be notified of the status of proposals following the 
owners' final decision.

/*Who Can Submit Proposals */
Members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers 
and staff, other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions 
to the Lab's research, development, education, and technology transfer 
missions. See current and past projects supported in the Initiatives 
Fund Program <http://www.jsallc.org/IF/IFProjects.html>.

/*Evaluation Criteria*/
Request for funds for scientific projects or those of a technical or R&D 
nature will generally not be considered. The Evaluation Committee will 
not provide original scientific or technical review of proposals. 
Evaluation of proposals will be based generally on the following criteria.

  * Intellectual and/or outreach merits and/or potential impact on the
    Lab user community
  * Alignment with and significance to the goals and missions of the Lab
  * Degree of leveraged support and/or matching resources from other
    fund sources, including Lab funds
      o Proposals for support for meetings, workshops, and conferences
        should align with the overall interests and mission of the Lab
        and should be matched by other source(s)
      o For scientific meeting support, proposers should discuss
        availability of matching funds with the Lab Deputy Director for
        Science (Robert McKeown, bmck at jlab.org) prior to proposal
  * Extent to which other means (federal, state, regional, local, or
    private) to gain the proposed support were considered
  * Proposed evaluation plan to measure success

/*Instructions to Proposers*/
Submittals should be made on the 2019 Proposal Form 
<http://www.jsallc.org/IF/2019IFProposalForm.pdf> (download form), and 
may include letters of endorsement and other supporting information. A 
maximum of 10 additional pages may be appended to the proposal form.

  * Proposals should identify a Principal Investigator (PI). The PI is
    the responsible party with whom JSA will coordinate the award and
    administration of funds for approved projects.
  * Proposals that include leveraged support and/or matching resources
    should secure the authorization of the institutional authority
    providing the leveraged support and/or matching resources.
  * Proposals submitted by PI's who are Lab employees require the
    acknowledgement of the appropriate Associate Director.
  * Proposals submitted by users who hold a joint appointment at the Lab
    should identify the Lab division association.
  * Proposals from users that include equipment to be used at the Lab
    should have the review and authorization of the appropriate Lab
    Associate Director.
  * Proposals for renewals should include an assessment of prior year
    performance and success of project.
  * Budget proposals should include a statement of justification for the
    funds requested.
      o The JSA Initiatives Fund Program does not support salaries,
        salary-related expenses, or indirect expenses.
      o Provide sufficient detail to determine the categories of costs
        associated with the proposal.
      o Include information about the leveraged support and/or matching
        resources. Identify the source, type and amount of support from
        each institution. For in-kind support, provide estimate of value.
      o The total on the budget proposal should match the total funds
        requested on the proposal summary sheet.

***Proposals are due no later than midnight July 16, 2018*, via e-mail 
to the SURA Chief Governance Office (elawson at sura.org)

/*Questions about Call for Proposals*/
Questions about this Call for Proposal may be submitted to Elizabeth 
Lawson (elawson at sura.org) JSA will make responses to general questions 
regarding this call for proposal available to all proposers.

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