[Jlabsa_gs] **Today** Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - A Message From Lorelei Carlson

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Wed Jun 13 09:08:37 EDT 2018

Thank you to all of those who RSVP'd.  See you at noon today in the Auditorium.

Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki:

               Please RSVP to:  patient at jlab.org by COB on June 11, 2018

                                 Wednesday, June 13, 2018


                                        12:00-1:00 pm

                  "Scientific Computing Systems, Desktop to Exascale"

                                        Chip Watson 

                                       Jefferson Lab


"Jefferson Lab has a range of computing systems to support its
experimental physics and theory computing needs, from high productivity
desktops up to mid-range high performance computing. Local compute
resources include Xeon Phi, GPU and conventional x86 clusters.  These
are complemented by petascale disk and tape storage as well as gateways
to the lab's data acquisition systems and to the wide area network. 
Offsite our community leverages a variety of resources up to and
including the DOE Leadership Computing Facilities (LCF).  Various
details will be presented, and one or two application specific
optimizations will be highlighted."

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