[Jlabsa_gs] Only 2 Weeks Left to Apply - DOE Student Awards Program in Nuclear Technology

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Mar 6 15:52:50 EST 2018

The US DOE Office of Nuclear Technology R&D is sponsoring the
Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards competition for students
(formerly the Innovations in Fuel Cycle Research Awards). The program is
designed to:

1. award graduate and undergraduate students for innovative
nuclear-technology-relevant research publications and

2. demonstrate the commitment of the US DOE Office of Nuclear Technology
R&D to higher education in nuclear-technology-relevant disciplines.

In addition to cash prizes, the top-ranked award winners will present in
a special session of the 2017 ANS Winter Meeting. Additional
travel/conference/presentation opportunities may also be provided.

Please note that the application deadline is midnight, Sunday, March 18.

The Subject Areas

·Advanced Fuels (including in-core materials and cladding, materials
science, in-core instruments, detectors, sensors and nano-scale
structures and materials)

·Advanced Reactor Systems (including material science, advanced alloy
development and testing, nuclear physics, nuclear reactor thermal
hydraulics, fast reactor concept development, advanced reactor design)

·Energy Policy (including decision support simulators which may include
game theory, economic modeling, and applied mathematics)

·Material Recovery and Waste Form Development (includes advanced
extraction technology for dry and wet recycling of used nuclear fuel,
advanced waste form development and its characterization, uranium
resources, thermodynamics and kinetics)

·Material Protection, Control, and Accountancy (including
instrumentation, detectors, and sensors for safeguards and
nonproliferation applications)

·Nuclear Science and Engineering (including nuclear physics, nuclear
chemistry, radiochemistry applicable to R&D nuclear fuel cycle and
generic geology repository)

·Used Fuel Disposition (including storage, transportation, disposal of
commercial used fuel, behavior of actinides and radionuclides under
generic repository conditions)

The Competitions and the Awards

This awards program is for US citizens only.

To be eligible, students apply via an online application and submit a
journal publication or conference presentation that supports nuclear
technology R&D that was published or presented after December 2015.
Papers that have been accepted by a journal or conference, but have not
yet been published or presented, are eligible. Students may submit more
than one publication, but may only win one award per year.


There are three competitions:

*Open Competition*(First Place and Second Place awards in each of the
above subject areas): First Place $3000, Second Place $2,500.

*Competition for Students who Attend Universities with Less than
$6**0**0M in 20**15**Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures*(5
awards): $1,500.

*Undergraduate Competition*(5 awards): $1,000.

How to Apply

Go to www.nucleartechinnovations.org
and complete he simple online application.

Then submit your publication as a PDF file to innovations at wtamu.edu
<mailto:innovations at wtamu.edu>.

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