[Jlabsa_gs] Frontiers and Careers - EINN2019 pre-conference- a message from Afroditi Papadopoulou
Lorelei Carlson
lorelei at jlab.org
Mon Aug 5 10:17:44 EDT 2019
As a part of the 13th conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with
Nucleons and Nuclei (EINN) in Cyprus, October 2019, we are organizing a
pre-conference on "Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics” two
days prior to the main conference.
Pre-conference dates: October 27-28
Location: Paphos, Cyprus
Website: http://frontiers.mit.edu/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__frontiers.mit.edu_&d=DwMGaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=TI1-uR1CNrL-lIqQDSyKdw&m=zEShGeGcxImlLClNKyWscDzna7i9T7WM4Ks_wV0OxOc&s=s96ELJYYh83uty0-JJ-Z90PZ2UQmLBIHZWjwDY1oXfI&e=>
We would really appreciate it if you could circulate this email to
colleagues and students that might be interested. Further details can be
found at the workshop website. Registration to the Frontiers and Careers
is done via the registration to EINN (see conference webpage:
http://einnconference.org/2019<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__einnconference.org_2019&d=DwMGaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=TI1-uR1CNrL-lIqQDSyKdw&m=zEShGeGcxImlLClNKyWscDzna7i9T7WM4Ks_wV0OxOc&s=AtitM4SiglmrtTQ_qDJkgVhDqgslHrcqDz97Sc3m_UI&e=>). Young scientists and students who
contribute to Frontiers and Careers are eligible for the reduced EINN
conference fee.
With kind regards,
Afroditi Papadopoulou (MIT)
Dr Lena Heijkenskjöld (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
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