[Jlabsa_gs] SPECIAL INVENTOR ACADEMY Brunch and Learn, December 4 at 10 AM in F113- Guest Speaker Avery Goldstein

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Dec 4 07:52:45 EST 2019

For those of you onsite today:

Join us for a special Inventor Academy featuring guest speaker Avery Goldstein. Dr. Goldstein brings a strong background in inventorship, business and the entrepreneurial arts as well as a background in science and research. Prior to founding the Patent Procurement Services firm, he was chair of the bio-tech group at the intellectual property firm of Gifford Krass and was a research engineer with Dow Chemical Company. He created Patent Procurement Services in 2011 with the goal of offering high-caliber intellectual property counsel on a lean platform and joined forces with Blue Filament Law in 2013. His practice includes designs, biotechnology, nanotechnology, chemistry, materials, physics, telecommunications, copyrights and trademarks.

Mr. Goldstein will be speaking to the Academy about the basic aspects of patents that an inventor is likely to encounter and how to facilitate interactions with searchers, intellectual property attorneys, and licensing professionals.

All Jefferson Lab staff, users and students are encouraged to attend.

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