[Jlabsa_gs] Building closures at JLab for Saturday, June 22, 2019- a message from Facilities Management

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Fri Jun 21 09:23:26 EDT 2019

As you can see from the message below, tomorrow, June 22nd, CEBAF Center and EEL will be closed all day while the water system is being repaired.  There will be no access to either building during that time.  If you have materials or documents that you'll need to access over the weekend, please ensure that you take them with you today.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Walt Akers

(On behalf of the Physics Division)

As a follow up communication, tomorrow there will be a water outage in the CEBAF Center, EEL, and RESFAC for tie-in of the backflow preventer on the domestic water piping at the Jefferson Ave vault.  This will necessitate a complete closure of the CEBAF Center and EEL due to life safety requirements (fire sprinkler system will be idle).  RESFAC management and residents have been notified.  They can stay in the facility but will not have water during the outage

At 7:00am the building access badging system will be deactivated at the CEBAF Center and EEL.   Security will do a sweep of the buildings to make sure all occupants have left the building.  At completion of the water outage, the badging system will be reactivated and the buildings will be checked for any nuisance issues (fire alarm faults, running toilets...).  Access to the computer servers will still be allowed in the event of any issues.

The fire department is notified of the outage and is prepared to react accordingly in case of any issues.

If you have any questions feel free to call me at 908-347-3320.

Facilities Management

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