[Jlabsa_gs] Next ESNT workshop- Sept. 2021- scattering resonances

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Fri May 21 12:19:12 EDT 2021

An online workshop on scattering resonances in Hadronic, Nuclear, and Atomic physics will be
taking place on September 6-10 2021. The event consists of 5 lectures on resonances from different points of view covering experiments, numerics, and theory of the various physical fields.

This event is motivated by the necessity to ease the accessibility on this topic and promote the
bridging between experiments and theory. As scattering theory is usually dealt with in advanced and specialized courses only, we aim to strengthen the intuitive and practical knowledge on the matter leading from basics to fore-front research.
Therefore, these pedagogical seminars are organized to help both experienced and junior scientists.
Especially early carrier scientists and Ph.D. students are encouraged to attend.

More information about the event can be found on the webpage:


Sincerely yours from Paris & Manchester,
Lorenzo Contessi   (CEA, ESNT : lorenzo.contessi at cea.fr<mailto:lorenzo.contessi at cea.fr>)
Johannes Kirscher (University of Manchester : johannes.kirscher at manchester.ac.uk<mailto:johannes.kirscher at manchester.ac.uk>)
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