[Jlabsa_gs] CNF Call for Applications Center for Nuclear Femtography Graduate Fellowship- a message from Latifa Elouadrhiri

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Apr 13 08:21:54 EDT 2022

CNF Call for Applications
Center for Nuclear Femtography
Graduate Fellowship

Overview:  The Center for Nuclear Femtography (CNF) is a multi-disciplinary center supported by the Commonwealth of Virginia focusing on the emerging science of nuclear femtography.  Nuclear femtography is the mapping of the spatial distribution and motion of the quarks and gluons within the nucleus at the sub-femtoscale, using both data from experiments, and first principles computation in QCD. The realization of this science requires a multi-disciplinary approach encompassing experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, applied mathematics, and computational science including machine learning, visualization, and calculations at the frontier of exa-scale computing.

SURA is currently accepting applications for the CNF Graduate Fellowship Program. Each fellow will receive a $12,000 stipend. The awardee's home institution must agree to provide the remaining research assistant stipend from institutional or research funds. The fellowship will start from date of award, on or about June 1, 2022, and be one year in length. The graduate fellow is expected to be working toward a Ph.D. or Master degree related to the main research directions of the center (see https://www.femtocenter.org/research) and attend center seminars, lectures, and CNF-related programs. The fellowship program primarily targets graduate students currently enrolled in universities in the Commonwealth of Virginia, although applicants from outside the state will also be accepted.

Application Requirements:

  1.  Letter of Interest: The letter of interest is limited to two pages, excluding references, and must describe the proposed work relevant to the research directions of the center.
  2.  Curriculum Vitae: Include a two-page CV that contains relevant education, experience, and publications. In addition to the CV, you may also submit relevant, finished manuscripts.
  3.  Letters of Reference: One letter from the Ph.D. advisor is required, sent separately by the advisor. The letter should state that the applicant’s home institution has agreed to provide a matching stipend or salary from institutional or research funds. Additional letters are optional.
Submission Instructions: Send all requirements electronically to cnf at sura.org<mailto:cnf at sura.org> by COB onMay 10, 2022. Inquiries should be directed to CNF associate director, Latifa Elouadrhiri (latifa at jlab.org).

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