[Jlabsa_gs] Reminder: JSA Travel Support Program for 2023- A message from Justin Stevens

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Aug 15 14:08:45 EDT 2023

Dear Jefferson Lab Community,

The JSA Travel Support program continues to support young researchers to present results of Jefferson Lab research at national and international conference and workshops.  Travel support funds may cover up to $500 or $1000 for local or international venues respectively, up to a max of ~$1000 per research group.  In addition to information about where the young scientists will be presenting their results, advisors or supervisors should provide a clear statement of the scientific potential of the student or postdoc, and include a commitment to pay the balance of the travel costs.  To be considered for a travel grant, advisors or supervisors should complete the request form linked from the program webpage:


Travel Support program funds are still available for this year and historically the biggest use for this fund would be for the DNP meeting in Maui.  As was stated in a recent message from the APS, the DNP meeting shall only proceed if it is in the best interest of the island.  Nevertheless, we would encourage students and postdocs planning to go to DNP and need financial assistance to apply now for funds so that we will be able to allocate them if the conference proceeds as planned.


JSA Travel Support Committee: Angela Biselli, Dutta, Dipangkar, Douglas Higinbotham, Jennifer McAllister and Justin Stevens
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