[Jlabsa_gs] User office space at JLab- A message from Thia Keppel

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Aug 22 08:51:37 EDT 2023

Greetings all,

It's that time again... Fall cleaning! OK, well, truth be told we skipped Spring and last Fall and maybe the Spring cleaning before that....  it's definitely time to clean out and spruce up the CEBAF Center F-wing offices. If you have old equipment, computers, books, log books, flowers, goldfish, broken radios, gold bricks, anything personal - please either verify with the User Liaison Office (userliaison at jlab.org) that you will be actively using your assigned space in the near term and so need to keep (some of) your things there OR be ready for your space to potentially be re-assigned. In rare circumstances we may be able to box-store some items elsewhere, but please do not burden the User office with unnecessary requests for this; specific item lists and reasons for storing will be needed.

One exception: the new GlueX User area needn't respond (as it's recently organized).

What could be worse than cleaning? Moving! Alas, due to laboratory expansion and renovations, some F-wing space is being converted to permanent staff offices. If this conversion effects your assigned space, you will be notified individually. In this scenario, your things will need to be moved -  or possibly thrown out - by 9/22/23.

We apologize for this inconvenience, and hope that you understand. Our aim is not to be a burden, and we can work with you. Please contact us with concerns. We will try to help and accommodate. Thank you!

With best regards,

Cynthia Keppel, PhD

Associate Director for Physics

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

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