[Jlabsa_gs] *Registration closing soon* 2023 JLUO Annual Meeting- A message from Marco Contalbrigo

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Jun 13 07:55:06 EDT 2023

Registration for this event will close June 18th at midnight ET.
Dear all,
We are happy to invite you to the JLUO Annual Meeting
that will be held on June 26-28, 2023 at Jefferson Lab.

The Annual Meeting will be an important occasion where to
review together the most recent science achievements and
future programs, and gather opportunities for new

In person participation is warmly welcome. To promote
a broad audience a remote connection will be also made
available to those who register. Please register here.<https://misportal.jlab.org/ul/conferences/generic_conference/registration.cfm?conference_id=JULO-2023>

You can find the preliminary agenda and practical
details at:

We are pleased to highlight the Meeting will have a
dedicated in-person program for young scientists,
including career focused lunch seminars, a poster
competition showcasing research, and an awards

Marco Contalbrigo (contalbrigo at fe.infn.it)
for the Organizing Committee.
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